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『China-US Relations: analysis by Prospect and Challenge』
The relation of china and EU is very complicated to define simple words. From 1949 to 1972, China and U.S. were in a hostile relation. President Nixon’s Trip in 1972 made new totally new relationship with each other. US Gained advantages in countering the Soviet Union obtained more advantages and finally won in the Cold War , which ended the state of Cold War in the East Asia region. On the other hand, China Gained advantages in countering the Soviet Union, and had a chance to reform and opening-up policy, which was based on the Sino-U.S. Compromise, was greatly beneficial to the peace and development of the region.
As a strategic tension between No.1 and No.2, there are some current issues between them. A major issue is about security including regional leadership competition. Especially Mao wants to develop the communist party’s security. To get this goal, The old issue“3T”(Taiwan, Tibet, Trade) was extremely stressed until the period of Deng Xiaoping. Although it would be classified as a different problem with those of 1970s, contemporary South China Sea Issue is also pointed by those security issues.
On the other hand, president Xi nowadays stressed out the way of china being respected by other countries. In this way, there is cannot help creating conflicts with us. For example, Because US don’t want to accept china as a super power country,.
In my opinion, AIIB is extremely important event in worldwide on the way of PRC political thinking. I guess that PRC can use AIIB Infrastructure as regional integration and foreign policy tool and to Foster long-term economic development. Let’s look the detailed information of AIIB. The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) is a proposed international financial institution which is focused on supporting infrastructure construction in the Asia-Pacific region. The bank was proposed as an initiative by the government of PRC, and supported by 37 regional and 20 non-regional Prospective Founding Members, 56 of which have signed the Articles of Agreement that form the legal basis for the proposed bank
AIIB is regarded by some as a rival for the IMF, the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank (ADB), which are regarded as dominated by developed countries like the United States. US behaved in an uncooperative manner with the process of Internationalization of RMB and establishing AIIB. The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank can be constructed as a natural inter-national extension of the infrastructure-driven economic development framework that has sustained the rapid economic growth of China. It stems from the notion that long-term economic growth can only be achieved through massive, systematic, and broad-based investments in infrastructure assets.
What’s really shocking to US is betrayal of traditionally US alliance countries such as UK, ROK, the Philippines except US-Japan alliance which put on restrictions on China together. It is called Asian dilemma. It means that from military point of view lean on US, but from Economic point of view lean on PRC
The conflict is not only lay on financial sector. It is also lays on soft power. One of major conflict with two country is about Confucius Institutes. Chicago university banned the rejoin with Confucius Institutes by the reason that they advocate too much to china’s perspective and advertise their own policy. It is the outcome of aggressively assisted by PRC government. They worried the direct intervention of Chinese government using Confucius Institutes. It might be include hostility of extension of china’s soft power.
Then what makes conflict between China and Us? I think that just because of being or maintain the status of worldwide super power. There are lots of thing in common between two countries. With similar background, they compete with another to be or maintain the status of “Super Power”. First thing in common with them is Super-sized state. The sizes of both countries are so large that no one can beat the other totally.
The second one is multiethnic state. China and U.S. are civilizational and multiethnic states, which are culturally tolerant in nature not as Japan where hierarchy is implicated in all part of society. with liberal social atmosphere, naturally, evolved Materialism, pragmatism and individualism.
The last one is Soft power. Both countries attach great importance to soft power. Earlier, the soft power is kind of exclusive property of US. However, as days go by, China also recognized the importance of that. And they have been supporting Soft power with various channels.
Then how would be future of US-China relations? I guess that US-China relations in the future would be like a functional partnership based on competitiveness or cooperation. With Xi jin ping’s strategic choice, to challenge with the US led international regime, China suggests to US Cooperation in international affairs such as Counter-terrorism, combating piracy, North Korea nuclear issue, tackling climate change etc. China thinks the multi-level dialogue mechanism between the two countries provides a platform to solve problems. However, it seems that US don t want to give equal status to china.
On the other hand, China also should not resistant or prevent majority rule of US. I think that this is the right time for China to expand influence to other Asia countries. Doing cohesive work toward peaceful international society with US, China also takes initiative to solve domestic problem.
We need to keep this in mind. The supremacy of US and Rising of PRC does not mean the biggest clash or potential risk. It is normal that western society worried about the rising of PRC, and regards them as a troublemaker. But there must be a room of space that means cooperation in both sides
I think companion with china is also big chances for US too. China will become the biggest end market, with the highest economic value and greatest potentials. While Chinese companies become stronger, the competitiveness of Chinese market is also increasing. With companion with China, US naturally grasp the biggest market in the world absolutely.
Economic relationship is relatively the best one among the general framework of Sino-US relationship. The strategic competitiveness and cohesiveness of Sino-US relationship, and the economic nationalism of both countries, will become great synergy in the future.
The relation of contemporary US-china is different with before the relation of US-USSR. US-USSR relation is only comprised of competition. It is also true that today, US regards only China can hold each other can check. But US-China relation is not dominated by competition. With their partnership, we can use dialogue re-balancing world peacefully and cope with international affairs. I strongly hope US should take initiative to cooperate with china for worldwide peace.
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