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업무 일정 조정이 필요할 때 자주 쓰는 비즈니스 영어 표현 'Push back / Pull forward~ '입니다.
일정 조정 영어 표현
- push back : 일정을 미루다.
- pull forward : 일정을 앞당기다
실전 예문
A : Are you saying that we need to push it back to next week?
B : Actually, he wants us to pull it forward a week.
A : Are you saying that we need to finish by next week?
B : Yes. the timeline is ambitious,
: but we gotta do what we gotta do. (그래도 해야할 일은 해야지)
A : it's so last minute (너무 막바지인데)
A : What we should we do first?
B : We should schedule a meeting with the rest of the team soon.
A : it will be hard to get everyone together last minute.
B : That's a valid point. but i think it's important for an in-person meeting this time.
A : I would say monday to be safe. Let's schedule a meeting on monday.
이상 되묻는 비즈니스 영어표현 'Are you saying that~'를 정리해보았습니다.
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